How AI Chatbots Are Earning Over $50,000 a Month
One of our hottest topics in the AINAUTEN Newsletter is always AI business models. In other words, how to quickly and easily build an income with AI tools. No extensive prior knowledge required. No large investments needed.
And one of the most exciting topics right now is AI Chatbots.
These are chat programs that allow chatting on various topics, specifically trained to do something very particular or to focus on a specific subject.
This trend is growing bigger and bigger, and many AI Chatbots are already making a substantial amount of money - or rather, those behind them are.
The best part: It's not that difficult to create such specialized Chatbots.
These AI Chatbots are already earning over $50,000 a month!
Before we dive in, let's briefly revisit the model.
ChatGPT, etc., has been all the rage for some time now. It's probably the most famous chatbot out there.
The exciting part is, based on language models from ChatGPT or OpenAI and others, you can now build your own chatbots covering a very specific niche.
For people to chat with your own chatbot, they might, for example, need to pay a monthly subscription.
No one's going to pay for that? Oh, but they will! Some are already making a fortune.
As you can see above, for instance, Enias Cailliau is already making over $50,000 a month with AI Chatbots, and the trend is massively upward.
The crucial factor is the niche your own chatbot occupies. How to further train existing models so people will pay for it.
Evergreen niches include:
- Horoscopes & astrology in general
- Personality tests
- Targeted copywriting
- Weight loss program creators
- Coding tutors
- Image generators
And the biggest niche of all: AI girlfriends or boyfriends with "special preferences" ;)
This is precisely the niche Enias is exploring with his bots. It's hard to imagine the global demand for this.
His users come from all over the world, which is no problem at all, as the major language models speak nearly all languages.
However, this niche isn't as straightforward to implement as, say, copywriting, etc. But that's exactly what we'll look at in the workshop.
How Anyone Can Create an AI Chatbot
The good news about this business model is that it's not too hard to implement.
However, it depends on the niche. Especially the most profitable niches may require some special knowledge.
The reason is that many of the large models, like those from OpenAI, are censored. That is, they refuse to provide quick answers on certain topics, such as romantic preferences.
You'll need other models and tools that are not censored.
Due to high interest in the AInauten community, we've created an online course.
The workshop shows you step-by-step how anyone can almost for free create their own AI chatbot that people are willing to pay for.
We'll look at 3 ways. From very simple to slightly more complex for tougher niches.
The whole thing can be learned in under 2 hours!
Here's what you'll learn:
- How to quickly build and publish your own chatbots without coding skills.
- How to train chatbots so they behave exactly as they should.
- How to build complete programs that can even create images, among other things.
- How to use uncensored language models to circumvent certain restrictions.
In short: In 2 hours, you'll learn all tools and methods step-by-step to build AI chatbots just like Enias and others use.
And we'll look at how to train and publish them. And how you can charge money. Then, it's all about your creativity for the niche.
If you're interested in checking this out, click the button below to instantly access the workshop.
With over 2,000 participants, the workshop is ranked #2 on our bestseller list. We want to make it number one and are therefore offering a -50% discount special for as long as we feel like it.
Here's to the workshop:
AI-Chatbot Workshop
🏆 -50% Special
$47 $99
Get instant access to the workshop and create your own AI Chatbots today.
  • Step-by-step instructions
  • All tools & methods
  • Applicable by anyone
  • No prior knowledge needed
Learn from real AI experts
Behind the AI Bootcamp and AInauten are two passionate entrepreneurs and genuine AI users. Reto & Fabian currently run 4 companies with more than 30 employees (and growing) in the USA and Germany.
We apply AI every day in our businesses and daily lives.
We assist major corporations, but also many small businesses and solo entrepreneurs, with AI implementation.
With AInauten, we operate one of the largest AI communities and newsletters with well over 50,000 members.
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